Friday, May 13, 2011

It ain’t me, babe

Inquiring Pink Slippers may have been wondering why there was no post today.

The reason:  a colossally long outage at Google Blogger, which began yesterday afternoon at some point. I first encountered the problem when I tried to upload my Friday post. No could do. I kept trying through the evening, but whatever problem Google was having was pretty darned persistent. In fact, it got so bad that Thursday’s post was rolled back: now you see it, now you don’t.

Anyway, normalcy has returned to the blogosphere, but it’s leaving a lot of us thinking cloud-schmoud. The more conspiracy minded among us are likely wondering if there’s a Facebook angle…

This being Friday the 13th, I’ll leave this episode of Pink Slip at that.

We should be fully restored by Monday.

1 comment:

Natural Viagra said...

Pretty note! Keep working like this!