Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It may not be in the Comic Book Code, but…

I just love a good say-something-stupid-on-the-web stupidity story and this one, as they say, is a capital L-U-L-U lulu. With a couple of Pink Slip bonus points awarded because the stupidity involves blogging.

Here’s the scoop:

There’s a local business man in these parts who runs an online comic book and graphic novel site.

I am not a frequenter of said/unsaid site.

I was a kid during the 1950’s and 1960’s, but, unlike the kids on TV, we didn’t really go in for comic books. Other than the odd Little Lulu or Archie, I don’t remember ever buying a comic book. (Other than MAD, but that’s another story.) As I did with every other difference between the way we lived and acted, and the way kids on TV lived an acted, I chalked the proclivity to purchase a comic book up to a function of religion. Kids on TV were Protestants; we were Catholic. They just had a different sense of humor than we did, and must have actually thought comic books were funny. We didn’t. Case closed.

So, no, I am not a frequenter of the comic book/graphic novel site in question.

But somebody must be, because it’s apparently how the local businessman makes at least some part of his living.

By the way, while this fellow may be guilty of online stupidity, he is not your run of the mill dummy.  He:

…is a National Merit Scholarship winner, and graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Computer Science and Roman History, and worked at a succession of startups in the Boston area. (Source: CrunchBase.)

But, National Merit Scholar or no, this guy is now in big trouble for a post-Tucson comment or blog posting he made:

…saying “one down 534 to go” in reference to [Gabrielle] Giffords and the other 534 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. (Source here on out:

As a result, police buzzed in and seized a “large amount” or guns and ammo that Mr. Degree in Computer Science and Roman History kept in his home, and suspended his firearms license.

Perhaps the online comic book industry is more dangerous than one might think. Or perhaps this guy is just one of those folks we affectionately refer to as a “gun nut.” Or maybe he’s  just a(formerly) armed and dangerous person.

Whatever he is, this guy has demonstrated a complete and utter lack of judgment, and I can’t help but believe that this will at some point come back to haunt him. Surely someone, someday, who’s considering investing in this man’s start-up, or who’s thinking of hiring him, would read about this comment (and, frankly, all that gun ownership) and take a pass. Or at least a long drawn out pause.

I know, I know. this individual’s probably not the only person to (shamefully) think or utter such a thought in the wake of the shootings. And sticks and stones break bones, not words. (Yes, but: words matter.) But, in this day and age, to put something like this online without thinking that there may, just may, be some repercussions? Wow? What was he thinking?

[He] has since redacted the comments, but police consider the threat to be credible until they can prove otherwise. Police have also contacted federal law enforcement agencies about the comment.

Of course, since stupid isn’t always as stupid does, this may end up being an absolute free publicity business coup for Mr. National Merit. Think of all the smart bloggers who are posting about his comic book business… Some are even using his name, and providing a direct link to his comic book/graphic novel site, rather than making you work for it by clicking through on the hyperlink to CrunchBase or which the Bloggers’ Code requires that I put in.

For all I know, Mr. High Above Cayuga’s Waters has become something of an insta-hero among some element of the comic book/graphic novel and/or ‘I hate the government’ set, who believe that – ho-ho – making this kind of joke was all in as much good fun as ordering sea monkeys from the back of an Archie and Veronica comic book.

Still, it really can’t be good for business to have the Feds and the locals crawling up and down your arse, and to have exposed yourself as an out-and-out, tasteless cretin who thinks it’s funny to joke about our elected representatives - no matter how loathsome and reprehensible one might find them to be – getting shot at.

You think the country’s in terrible straits now? Just imagine how dire those straits would be if that loathsome and reprehensible scenario played out.

Whatever happened to the Comic Book Code?  Sheesshhhh.


Secular Humanist said...

This goes a bit beyond stupidity. How many thousands of gay and lesbian teenagers commit suicide every year because of the endless, hateful, GOP ranting? Words DO hurt.

In every sense, the typical Fox News / GOP / Fundamentalist voter defines what a psychiatrist would consider a dangerously psychopathic personality type. They ignore the real world, subscribe to bizarre and nonsensical views despite any evidence to the contrary, and cannot be persuaded to change their minds even when presented with clear and obvious evidence which contradicts them.

They have over the years striven for goals which can do nothing but hurt others: seeking absolute control over a woman's legal right over her body, stripping all legal rights and protection INCLUDING health care, from law-abiding gay and lesbian citizens, and never mind their attitudes about race, immigration, and sensible gun control.

There was time, perhaps 40 years ago, when it was possible to have a rational discussion between a person holding liberal views and person with conservative views. This is no longer possible, as the stated goal of the conservatives is utter annihilation and extermination of anyone who opposes them. Meanwhile, the news organizations give these poisonous views credence and validation by treating them with equal weight, as if the idea that gays and lesbians must be exterminated to Save America was really just one possible approach among many.

katrog said...

So, did they confiscate his legionary sword and shield, and his gladiator net and trident, too?