Sunday, March 21, 2010


OK – On Sunday morning, I awoke to find out that my laptop had decided it was time to head to the glue factory.

RIP, my trusty steed. Two years, two months, two weeks. For a laptop that gets the workout mine does, well…. this was to be expected.

Still, it was frustrating.

Broken I/O. Grayed-out everything. Slow-baby performance. Terrible start-up overhead.


Simply the worst.

So, it was off to Best Buy, where the service – in my humble experience – is simply the best. Kudos to Dan from Geek Squad for all of his good-humored help

Fortunately, having heard my nag wheezing and snuffling for the last few weeks, I had finally subscribed to an online update – Carbonite, mostly because they’re a home-town honey: based in Boston.

So, rather than watch every second of the health reform vote, I went laptop shopping. And now,  while my files are restored. (Chug, chug, chug.)And as I try to figure out the differences between Vista – which I actually liked – and Windows 7, I thought I’d try a Pink Slip post.

Here we go.

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