Monday, September 06, 2010

And so this is Labor Day

Labor Day 2010.

A pretty grim one for the millions who are out of work.

Bad enough the economy hasn’t picked up, let alone thinking about what a pick up will or won’t mean for those without the skill-set and know-how to make it in the decent paying jobs that do (eventually) replace the low- and semi-skilled jobs that have gone permanent bye-bye.


I don’t like to fast-forward too much about the economy, and what the Rude Awakening from the dreamland of booming housing prices, easy credit, and an insatiable lust for cheap goods. What were we thinking?

Sigh….Double sigh….

Enough of this downer-speak.

It’s Labor Day.

With luck, the sun will shine, burgers will be flipped on grills everywhere, baseball will be played, and the Jerry Lewis Telethon will raise one dollar more than he did last year for “his kids.” (Tympani!)

Happy Labor Day to all American workers,to those Americans who wish they were, and to my brother Rick, the union guy: this day’s for you.

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