Thursday, December 25, 2008

Pink Slip temporarily pink slipped

The best thing about working for yourself is you can hire and fire yourself at will. (The worst thing about working for yourself is you have to pay yourself.)

In any case, like so like many other businesses, Pink Slip is going on temporary furlough for the holidays. I'll be back on January 5th.

I'd like to wish all my readers, especially the regulars, the Merriest of Christmases, the Happiest of Hanukkahs,  the Wintriest of Solstices, the Coolest of Kwanzaas, and the best of whatever holiday you do or don't observe.

The coming year looks like a grim one for the economy - there'll be a lot more pink slips, I'm sure - but let's hope for a happy, healthy, and reasonably prosperous year for all of those who are near and dear to us.

The picture here is a lovely shot of Faneuil Hall in the snow, taken by local photographer James LeMass, and available afaneuilhallchristmas13s a poster on  It wasn't my Christmas card this year. (No, this year it was Charles Addams snowmen cartoons.) But I always like Boston-themed Christmas cards, and have sent them in the past. In terms of image and branding, when it comes to Christmas, nothing beats an old, historic city with lots of brick and snow.

See you on January 5th.

'Til then, as we've had quite enough snow already, let it melt, let it melt, let it melt.

And the real good news, especially those of us in the northern climes: THE DAYS ARE ALREADY GETTING LONGER. Yippee! There's more light at the end of that tunnel of a day.


K. said...

Enjoy your time off -- looking forward to your return.

Anonymous said...

As a banquet manager, I've had my share of "pink slips". Job security is not what it used to be.
So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager