Friday, August 23, 2019

Let’s all go to the movies. (Next time tether the mattresses.)

So much of what’s in the news is moronic, irritating, depressing. Often, thanks to the current occupant of the White House, it’s all three. (As in Jews who vote for Democrats – as so many Jews do – are ignorant or disloyal. As in let’s buy Greenland. As in etc.)

The moronic, irritating, and depressing stream of stories is occasionally interrupted by something heartwarming or sobsisterish. Something that “proves” that people are fundamentally good. (Well, yes and no.) Something that tugs at our heartstrings – a cute dog, a cute kid, a not-so-cute but nonetheless deserving grown up in need of our thoughts, prayers, and donations.

But every once in a while, there’s a story that’s just plain serves-not-purpose magnificent fun!

And into this wonderful category, bringing comfort and joy to all, I’d put the story about the Denver Bed Cinema mattress fiasco.

Bed Cinema was setting up for a four-night movie event, running from last Thursday through Sunday, at which moviegoers would be able to watch a movie while lolling on an air mattress. A lie-in, rather than a drive-in.

As the organizers were setting up, a powerful wind blew in.

And off went the mattresses.

Robb Manes was at a nearby pool.

“We were just sitting in the pool and all of a sudden, two mattresses flew in,” Manes said. “At first, it was confusing.”

Then more started coming, and one landed in the pool, and Manes realized they had seen rows of mattresses set up for the event nearby.

So, they left the pool to see what was going on as a big gust of wind caught what Manes said looked like 50-100 mattresses. (Source: Denver Post)

Robb had the presence of mind to capture it on video. And the generosity not to monetize it, even when opportunities to do so came his way.

Unfortunately, embedding a video in one of my blog posts is nigh unto impossible. But here’s the link to the wondrous flying mattress video:

Robb Manes Flying Mattress Video

Next time, the organizers might want to tether the mattresses. But I’m just as glad they didn’t this time around.

Readers of a certain age will remember how mesmerizing it was to watch the flying toaster screen saver. This is even better.


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