Every move you makeBad enough that all these every-things are being fed into the maw of big data machines that spit it out so that companies can get their marketing message to us. It'll get a lot worse when, say, insurance companies strike a bargain with Ancestry.com and figure out who's got DNA that's worth selling insurance to and who doesn't. And it'll get a lot worse if and when an authoritarian regime takes control of this country, a prospect that once seemed outlandish, but which is now within the realm of possibility.
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you.
Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
The White Rose is an account of a anti-Nazi student movement in Germany in the 1940's, told largely from the perspective of Sophie Scholl. Control was so intense in Germany during the Nazi years that you couldn't even purchase a ream of paper at a stationery store without getting reported, and there were government agents monitoring how many stamps you bought at at time when you went to the post office. The better to figure out who was printing anti-government pamphlets and mailing them out. (Sophie Scholl, along with fellow members of her resistance group, including her brother, were beheaded.)
A location data firm is selling information related to visits to clinics that provide abortions including Planned Parenthood facilities, showing where groups of people visiting the locations came from, how long they stayed there, and where they then went afterwards, according to sets of the data purchased by Motherboard. (Source: Vice)
While this is macro level data, it's apparently not all that difficult to unmask the data and find the names of (and dox) individuals. And going after those visiting Planned Parenthood is apparently nothing new:
Anti-abortion groups are already fairly adept at using novel technology for their goals. In 2016, an advertising CEO who worked with anti-abortion and Christian groups sent targeted advertisements to women sitting in Planned Parenthood clinics in an attempt to change their decision around getting an abortion.
This location data could do grave harm to those seeking reproductive care, as it could be used to follow women traveling from a state without the right to an abortion to a state where abortion is available. Some legislatures in anti-choice states are already making noises about homicide charges for those who have an abortion, about tracking women who travel out of state, etc. Could get very, very scary.
Even scarier when you consider that many women use period trackers. The thought of this data combining with location information. Shudder, shudder, shudder...
And for those wondering whether "they" will be coming after gay marriage once "they" overturn Roe v. Wade. Of course they will be.
Recently, a Christian-focused outlet The Pillar published a piece that used location data to track the movements of a specific priest and then outed him publicly as potentially gay without his consent.
I'm too old to have periods, to get pregnant. I'm not gay. But I regularly participate in protests.
So I need to start turning off location tracking on my phone.
Not that this will necessarily work. With facial recognition technology and drones, with spies no doubt being everywhere filming protests (not to mention phone-made videos being posted on social media by the folks on the right side), and Alexa and Siri potentially spying on you in your home, there's probably no place to run, no place to hide.
Technology is such a mixed bag, isn't it?
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