
Friday, December 23, 2016

Merry/Happy [your holiday goes here]

Well, it’s that time of year again when we shake our fists at the dark, and decide that rather than bitching and moaning about the cold and gloom, find something to celebrate. In my house, it’s Front Door 2016Christmas – especially Christmas Eve. Make that secular Christmas and secular Christmas Eve. It’s been quite a while since I did anything to keep Christ in Christmas. (Sorry, Ma!) For me, it’s family and friends, and this year a bit more volunteering than usual. And, of course, the general PITA that comes with the season.

While there’s plenty associated with the holiday that falls into the PITA category, I do like seeing red and green around. And as far as I’m concerned, they can keep the colored lights up on Boston Common until spring. Quite pretty and cheerful. The wreath on my front door will be there until January 8th – just in time for the Christmas tree pickup on January 9th.

TreeI got my Christmas tree up early this year, thanks to the help of my sister Trish. And thanks to the fact that last year, I read up on how not to have an allergic reaction to your tree: you hose it down. No more stuffed up nose! My tree looks pretty much the same every year. Imperfect, but that’s perfectly in keeping… This year I’ll try to get it down for the first Christmas tree pickup on January 2nd – mostly because enough is enough, but also because – given the drought and the fact that my tree this year went up so early – this sucker is shedding like mad. I’d like to get it down and out before it goes Charlie Brown or turns orange.

As for Santa, I remember the exact moment that I stopped believing. It was when our lanky neighbor, Jack McGinn, swung by on Christmas Eve and, little seven year old shrewdy that I was, I cannily figured out it was Mr. McGinn. Santa, ptui! Somewhere around here, I have a picture taken of me and Santa/Mr. McGinn on Christmas Eve 1956, the second before I entered disbelief mode. Until this year, that was the last picture I had taken with Santa.


But there I was, at Monday Mania, the wrap up event for Christmas in the City, when nearly 10,000 toys were distributed to needy families. I wasn’t going to have my picture taken – bah humbug to that – but this Santa was pretty insistent, and all the other volunteers were being agreeable, so here you have it.

Anyway, as we wrap up this year and look forward to the next with mixed emotions (emotions that include fear and loathing, I’m afraid), Pink Slip would like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas (secular or religious), and/or a Happy Holidays for whichever you observe.

In keeping with tradition, Pink Slip now settles in for a long winter’s nap – or at least one that lasts until the New Year, when we shall return.

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